I had to make more Halloween cookies this weekend. I just had the itch! And had so many cool things that I had recently seen! So, here are the LAST Halloween creations for this season.
I was more happy with these pumpkins than the ones I made earlier. I like the faces much better.

These Leggy Little Witches are from Sweet Adventures of Sugarbelle. Another outside the box creation - using an upside down T-shirt cookie cutter.
I also saw this monster on Sugarbelle's website. This year it seems that lots of the blogs I follow have been using a round or square cookie cutter to make many designs. I really wanted to try a few of them.
I know I saw this idea/design on a website/blog....I can't give credit to them right now because it looks like I forgot to write down where I got it....but I copied it and someone out there has a great idea!
A use of the square cookie cutter I found on Karen's Cookie Blog. I think she used the circle but I did the same thing with the square.

Another idea from Karen's Cookie blog.
With the red this ghost just seems extra Spooky to me!
These fun Spiders came from Sweetopia.

Another idea I saw on Karen's Cookie Blog. What's better than giant pumpkin? I liked using the big circle cookie cutter to make these.

Cookie Crumbs on Facebook is my inspiration for this.
I think the Purple People Eater is a bit Halloweenish, don't you? Bake at 350 gave me this idea. And becuse it involved piecing some cutters together I had to try it. Using a circle cookie cutter for the body, wings from a bird cutter, and a tiny triangle. I think it came together very nicely!

Candy Corn anyone?

Here's the whole lot of them! As you can see I had fun with these. And had fun giving them to friends and family! Now it's time to do some Trick-or-Treating.
Happy Baking.
I was more happy with these pumpkins than the ones I made earlier. I like the faces much better.
These Leggy Little Witches are from Sweet Adventures of Sugarbelle. Another outside the box creation - using an upside down T-shirt cookie cutter.
Another idea from Karen's Cookie blog.
Another idea I saw on Karen's Cookie Blog. What's better than giant pumpkin? I liked using the big circle cookie cutter to make these.
Cookie Crumbs on Facebook is my inspiration for this.
Candy Corn anyone?
Here's the whole lot of them! As you can see I had fun with these. And had fun giving them to friends and family! Now it's time to do some Trick-or-Treating.
Happy Baking.