Spring has Sprung at our house! I had some friends over this weekend and the table is all set for Easter!

I have to brag on my dinner I made. And not just to brag but to SHARE. From start to finish it was amazing. And once I find a good recipe I have to share with people. I don't think you can ever have too many good recipes in your repertoire...:)
We had Slow Cooker Honey Sesame Chicken....amazing and easy. I found this
HERE. A mild Chinese flavor...and if you aren't a fan of that, the chicken is still soft and good.I served it with plain rice and some snap peas. The sauce is amazing on the rice and no one even wanted to touch the soy sauce!

The most important part of the dinner was the dessert.
I found that
This is just about the best recipe I've ever tasted - if you happen to like peanut butter. And I LOVE peanut butter.
Both Pat and I liked it so much we had to immediately take it to a friends house so it would NOT be around us!!! LOL
A Peanut Butter Pound Cake with Peanut Butter Glaze. The ONLY deviation I made was to include peanut butter chips instead of chocolate chips.

I was worried about it not coming out of the cake pan and worried it wouldn't be done in the middle. Luckily it turned out just right. I cooked it for one hour and 20 minutes just like the recipe said....and this time trusted the recipe. Before turning the pan over I ran my knife all around the edge and the bottom of the pan. The pound cake came right out in one piece.
Success part one!

Then I put the peanut butter glaze on it with some peanut butter chips on top.

And when we all tasted it...heaven....and perfectly cooked! Success part two!
I served the dessert with ice cream which was a perfect compliment.

Anyone you have over would love this meal. I know I'm going to keep them handy for a long time!
Happy Baking.