Here are a few things I've baked over the past few weeks I wanted to share with you. Both are yummy and did turn out for me!! That's always a bonus in my book.
Did you ever think you could make a cake in the crock pot? Well, neither did I. When I saw this recipe, I was intrigued and had to try it out. Very simple preparation that takes only about 10 min. You put all the ingredients in the crock pot and let it do it's thing for 4 hours. But I was pretty skeptical when it was done because it seemed to be too gooey on the bottom for me. I didn't think I had cooked it long enough. So I tried again and made another batch. Well, that batch turned out the same way. I finally decided it's supposed to be gooey - hence the chocolate fudge name. And that when you cut the cake you flip over the piece so the gooey part is on top. And then it really has hot fudge on it. It is very, very tasty I have to say. But very rich and very gooey! So this little cake will feed a lot of people since they are only going to want small pieces. But I highly recommend it. I found this Hot Fudge Cake from Taste of Home website
I ran across these Brownies in a Chocolate Basket from Cake Whiz website
here. The chocolate basket was what caught my eye. It looked so simple to do...and it actually was one of those things that was a simple as it looked!

Taking the bottom of a bowl, I wrapped it with parchment paper and then put a bit of shortening on that like the recipe describes. Melted my chocolate and put it in a squeeze bottle and went to town squirting it all over to be a bowl like shape. I was very doubtful while doing this and pleasantly surprised with the results.

It did take a lot of chocolate, so you want to choose your bowl carefully. The first one I did was much too big and used way too much chocolate! The brownie that you can't see inside the basket was pretty good as well. I had planned this for a vegan friends visit one night. A vegan does not eat meat, dairy or eggs. Presents a problem with a brownie you say? Not with this recipe that uses applesauce instead of both of those. Eggs only serve as a leavener in baking so the brownie was just a bit denser than what you might be used to. But this was tasty in my opinion. Something different to try. I actually did like the taste and would make it again!

Off to bake this week for another special occasion!
Happy Baking.